性侵犯政策 & 报告

作为私立或独立的高等教育大学,这些术语由第61条定义.德州高等教育协调委员会第003号文件, ebet真人娱乐厅(大学)应遵守德克萨斯大学.B. No. 968和章节1. 51节.《ebet真人娱乐下载》第9363条,自2018年1月1日起实施本性侵犯政策.

本政策适用于所有在校生及本校员工.  学校应将此性侵犯政策提供给学生, 教师, 工作人员由:

  1. 包括大学的政策 学生手册ebet真人娱乐厅的行政政策; 和
  2. creating 和 maintaining a web p年龄 on the University’s Internet website dedicated solely to the policy.

The University shall require each entering freshman or undergraduate transfer student to participate in a program on the University’s 性侵犯 policy before or during the first semester or term in which the student is enrolled at the University. 学校应确定课程的形式和内容.

The University shall develop 和 implement a public awareness campaign to inform enrolled students 和 employees of the University of this 性侵犯 policy. 作为竞选的一部分, the University shall provide information regarding the protocol for reporting incidents of 性侵犯 by providing the name, 办公室的位置, 以及大学第九条协调员的联系方式, 和:

  1. e-mailing the information to each student at the beginning of each semester or other academic term; 和
  2. 包括程序会话中的信息.


  1. 根据大学聘用的辅导员人数,在实际可行的情况下,尽量提供辅导, ensure that each alleged victim or alleged perpetrator of an incident of  性侵犯 和 any other person who reports such an incident are offered counseling provided by a counselor who does not provide counseling to any other person involved in the incident; 和
  2. 尽管有任何其他法律, allow an alleged victim or alleged perpetrator of an incident of 性侵犯 to drop a course in which both parties are enrolled without any academic penalty.

每个双年度, 大学应审查学校的性侵犯政策和, 须经大学管理委员会批准, 必要时修改政策.

  1. 约会暴力 被定义为虐待或暴力, 或者是虐待或暴力威胁, against a person with whom the actor has or has had a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature.
  2. 性侵犯 被定义为未经他人同意与他人发生性接触或性交, including sexual contact or intercourse against the person’s will or in a circumstance in which the person is incapable of consenting to the contact or intercourse.
  3. 性骚扰 被定义为不受欢迎的,基于性别的语言或身体行为:
    在就业环境中, 不合理地干扰员工的工作表现或制造恐吓, 充满敌意的, or offensive work environment; or 在教育背景下, 足够严重, 持续的, or pervasive that the conduct interferes with a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from educational programs or activities.
  4. 跟踪 is defined as a course of conduct directed at a person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or to suffer substantial emotional distress.

The University is exempt from certain regulator provisions of Title IX 和 may discriminate based on religion in employment in order to fulfill its mission.

The University is also exempt from certain regulator provisions of Title IX pertaining to student rules of behavior. The University welcomes all students into a safe 和 supportive environment in which to discuss 和 learn about a variety of issues, 包括性和性别. 大学肯定圣经对性和性别的理解是上帝的礼物.

Using the Bible 和 documents affirmed by the Baptist General Convention of Texas as the foundation for institutional policies 和 practices; the University affirms fidelity in marri年龄, 单身中的纯洁/独身, 婚姻是一男一女之间的结合, 以及上帝通过生理性别分配创造了男性和女性. University students 和 employees are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with these st和ards of Christian morality. 从事违反这些标准的行为的学生和员工包括, 但不限于, 婚外性行为, 同性性行为与同性的人发生性行为, 约会暴力, 性侵犯, 性虐待, 性骚扰和跟踪将受到纪律处分,包括:

  1. 对学生——开除学籍,以及
  2. 雇员-终止雇佣关系.

The University shall provide an option for an enrolled student or an employee of the University to electronically report to the University an allegation of sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或对学生或员工实施的跟踪或目击, 不论指称的罪行发生在何处.  电子报告选项必须:

  1. enable a student or employee to report the alleged offense anonymously; 和
  2. be easily accessible through a clearly identifiable link on the University’s Internet website home p年龄.


The University may not take any disciplinary action against a student enrolled at the University who in good faith reports to the University being the victim of, 或者是目击证人, 一起性骚扰事件, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或跟踪 for a violation by the student of the University’s code of conduct occurring at or near the time of the incident, regardless of the location at which the incident occurred or the outcome of the University’s disciplinary process regarding the incident, 如果有任何.

This section does not apply to a student who reports the student’s own commission or assistance in the commission of sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或跟踪.

大学可能会进行调查,以确定是否性骚扰事件的报告, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或者跟踪是出于善意. 大学有权决定是否诚信, 但是,如果学生被发现对性骚扰负有责任,在任何情况下,诚信都不存在, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或者在事发时或事发前后跟踪.

A determination that a student is entitled to amnesty under this policy is final 和 may not be revoked.

This policy may not be construed to limit the University’s ability to provide amnesty from application of the University’s policies in circumstances not described by this policy.



性骚扰 被定义为不受欢迎的,基于性别的语言或身体行为:
a. 在就业环境中, 不合理地干扰员工的工作表现或制造恐吓, 充满敌意的, or offensive work environment; or
b. 在教育背景下, 足够严重, 持续的, or pervasive that the conduct interferes with a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from educational programs or activities.

约会暴力 被定义为虐待或暴力, 或者是虐待或暴力威胁, against a person with whom the actor has or has had a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature.

跟踪 is defined as a course of conduct directed at a person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or to suffer substantial emotional distress.

性侵犯 被定义为未经他人同意与他人发生性接触或性交, including sexual contact or intercourse against the person’s will or in a circumstance in which the person is incapable of consenting to the contact or intercourse.



作为应对性侵犯报告的议定书的一部分,大学应: 根据大学聘用的辅导员人数,在实际可行的情况下,尽量提供辅导, ensure that each alleged victim or alleged perpetrator of an incident of  性侵犯 和 any other person who reports such an incident are offered counseling provided by a counselor who does not provide counseling to any other person involved in the incident.

The University Counselor’s office provides resources to assist students with any personal difficulty including the repercussions of a 性侵犯. 咨询是保密的. 如欲查询更多有关谘询服务的资料,请联络:

HPU咨询服务詹宁斯大厅- B舱



尽管有任何其他法律, allow an alleged victim or alleged perpetrator of an incident of 性侵犯 to drop a course in which both parties are enrolled without any academic penalty.


The University may not take any disciplinary action against a student enrolled at the University who in good faith reports to the University being the victim of, 或者是目击证人, 一起性骚扰事件, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或跟踪 for a violation by the student of the University’s code of conduct occurring at or near the time of the incident, regardless of the location at which the incident occurred or the outcome of the University’s disciplinary process regarding the incident, 如果有任何.

This section does not apply to a student who reports the student’s own commission or assistance in the commission of sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或跟踪.

大学可能会进行调查,以确定是否性骚扰事件的报告, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或者跟踪是出于善意. 大学有权决定是否诚信, 但是,如果学生被发现对性骚扰负有责任,在任何情况下,诚信都不存在, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 或者在事发时或事发前后跟踪.

A determination that a student is entitled to amnesty under this policy is final 和 may not be revoked.

This policy may not be construed to limit the University’s ability to provide amnesty from application of the University’s policies in circumstances not described by this policy.


学生和员工参与的行为包括, 但不限于约会暴力, 性侵犯, 性虐待, 性骚扰和跟踪将受到纪律处分,包括:

  1. 对学生——开除学籍,以及
  2. 雇员-终止雇佣关系.

